Peter Parker, famously known as Spider-man, has been on the news lately as he is responsible for many murders across the city of New York. Peter Parker is currently wanted by the New York Police Department, with a 100000$ reward. His whereabouts are currently unknown, but we are certain he is either hiding or on the run. Peter Parker is a threat to everyone, so if you get in contact with him, you need to call the police immediately.
Peter Parker was a typical adolescent who struggled to balance his personal life, career, and school. He was loved and supported by his aunt May and uncle Ben, Whom he lived with. Peter was into science and would create little gadgets during his free time. He struggled to fit in and was frequently bullied at school despite his smarts. After his Uncle Ben was killed, Peter's mental health took a turn for the worst. Later on in life, Peter took on the role as spider man and started to combat crime in remembrance of his uncle.
With great power, comes great responsibility.
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